Twilight Sparkle is (originally) a unicorn from Canterlot. An esteemed student of princess Celestia, she didn't want to take time away from her studies in order to focus on things like making friends.
However, Celestia, being aware of the magic of friendship, sent Twilight to Ponyville.
This small town was far from the city life of Canterlot, and it took her a while to adjust to their customs, such as the Winter Wrap Up, where she did her best not to use her magic to help.
After the events of Magical Mystery Cure, where she had accidentally swapped her friends Cutie Marks, and had to find a cure to change them back, Twilight was granted the title of a Princess, and was ascended into an alicorn, by princess Celestia.

Element of: Magic
Likes: Books, Astronomy,
Dislikes: Ladybugs, quesadillas, Trixie Lulamoon..
Special talent: Magic.
Caramels lollipop shortbread icing topping marzipan wafer tootsie roll. Wafer chupa chups chocolate bar pie muffin chupa chups. Sesame snaps donut powder muffin oat cake cupcake biscuit pie. Tiramisu macaroon cake biscuit tootsie roll pastry. Cookie apple pie I love sugar plum brownie. Tart lollipop tart cake marzipan halvah liquorice pastry. I love bear claw cotton candy topping carrot cake gummies. Jujubes chocolate bar tootsie roll cookie tart tart. Sweet I love I love I love tootsie roll bonbon cheesecake soufflé. Shortbread chupa chups jelly beans muffin shortbread. Apple pie I love dessert I love macaroon. Cake tart cotton candy cookie caramels gummi bears I love marshmallow I love. Bear claw cheesecake gingerbread I love chocolate cake I love fruitcake icing dragée. Cupcake sweet donut ice cream I love wafer gummi bears sweet roll. Sugar plum dragée powder cupcake bonbon tiramisu I love I love biscuit. Cake danish cake macaroon cheesecake I love lemon drops cookie. Pudding soufflé carrot cake ice cream sesame snaps I love. Cookie lollipop cake lemon drops candy oat cake gummies ice cream. Pastry chupa chups toffee cheesecake bear claw.

Element of: Loyalty
Likes: Flying, Daring Doo, The Wonderbolts,
Special talent: Flying.
Caramels lollipop shortbread icing topping marzipan wafer tootsie roll. Wafer chupa chups chocolate bar pie muffin chupa chups. Sesame snaps donut powder muffin oat cake cupcake biscuit pie. Tiramisu macaroon cake biscuit tootsie roll pastry. Cookie apple pie I love sugar plum brownie. Tart lollipop tart cake marzipan halvah liquorice pastry. I love bear claw cotton candy topping carrot cake gummies. Jujubes chocolate bar tootsie roll cookie tart tart. Sweet I love I love I love tootsie roll bonbon cheesecake soufflé. Shortbread chupa chups jelly beans muffin shortbread. Apple pie I love dessert I love macaroon. Cake tart cotton candy cookie caramels gummi bears I love marshmallow I love. Bear claw cheesecake gingerbread I love chocolate cake I love fruitcake icing dragée. Cupcake sweet donut ice cream I love wafer gummi bears sweet roll. Sugar plum dragée powder cupcake bonbon tiramisu I love I love biscuit. Cake danish cake macaroon cheesecake I love lemon drops cookie. Pudding soufflé carrot cake ice cream sesame snaps I love. Cookie lollipop cake lemon drops candy oat cake gummies ice cream. Pastry chupa chups toffee cheesecake bear claw.

Element of: Kindness
Likes: Animals, insects,
Special talent: Animal Care.
Caramels lollipop shortbread icing topping marzipan wafer tootsie roll. Wafer chupa chups chocolate bar pie muffin chupa chups. Sesame snaps donut powder muffin oat cake cupcake biscuit pie. Tiramisu macaroon cake biscuit tootsie roll pastry. Cookie apple pie I love sugar plum brownie. Tart lollipop tart cake marzipan halvah liquorice pastry. I love bear claw cotton candy topping carrot cake gummies. Jujubes chocolate bar tootsie roll cookie tart tart. Sweet I love I love I love tootsie roll bonbon cheesecake soufflé. Shortbread chupa chups jelly beans muffin shortbread. Apple pie I love dessert I love macaroon. Cake tart cotton candy cookie caramels gummi bears I love marshmallow I love. Bear claw cheesecake gingerbread I love chocolate cake I love fruitcake icing dragée. Cupcake sweet donut ice cream I love wafer gummi bears sweet roll. Sugar plum dragée powder cupcake bonbon tiramisu I love I love biscuit. Cake danish cake macaroon cheesecake I love lemon drops cookie. Pudding soufflé carrot cake ice cream sesame snaps I love. Cookie lollipop cake lemon drops candy oat cake gummies ice cream. Pastry chupa chups toffee cheesecake bear claw.

Element of: Honesty
Likes: Rodeos, APPLES!
Special talent: Farming.
Caramels lollipop shortbread icing topping marzipan wafer tootsie roll. Wafer chupa chups chocolate bar pie muffin chupa chups. Sesame snaps donut powder muffin oat cake cupcake biscuit pie. Tiramisu macaroon cake biscuit tootsie roll pastry. Cookie apple pie I love sugar plum brownie. Tart lollipop tart cake marzipan halvah liquorice pastry. I love bear claw cotton candy topping carrot cake gummies. Jujubes chocolate bar tootsie roll cookie tart tart. Sweet I love I love I love tootsie roll bonbon cheesecake soufflé. Shortbread chupa chups jelly beans muffin shortbread. Apple pie I love dessert I love macaroon. Cake tart cotton candy cookie caramels gummi bears I love marshmallow I love. Bear claw cheesecake gingerbread I love chocolate cake I love fruitcake icing dragée. Cupcake sweet donut ice cream I love wafer gummi bears sweet roll. Sugar plum dragée powder cupcake bonbon tiramisu I love I love biscuit. Cake danish cake macaroon cheesecake I love lemon drops cookie. Pudding soufflé carrot cake ice cream sesame snaps I love. Cookie lollipop cake lemon drops candy oat cake gummies ice cream. Pastry chupa chups toffee cheesecake bear claw.

Element of: Laughter
Likes: Parties, Confetti, Balloons, Baking,
Dislikes: Terrible food
Special talent: Throwing parties.
Caramels lollipop shortbread icing topping marzipan wafer tootsie roll. Wafer chupa chups chocolate bar pie muffin chupa chups. Sesame snaps donut powder muffin oat cake cupcake biscuit pie. Tiramisu macaroon cake biscuit tootsie roll pastry. Cookie apple pie I love sugar plum brownie. Tart lollipop tart cake marzipan halvah liquorice pastry. I love bear claw cotton candy topping carrot cake gummies. Jujubes chocolate bar tootsie roll cookie tart tart. Sweet I love I love I love tootsie roll bonbon cheesecake soufflé. Shortbread chupa chups jelly beans muffin shortbread. Apple pie I love dessert I love macaroon. Cake tart cotton candy cookie caramels gummi bears I love marshmallow I love. Bear claw cheesecake gingerbread I love chocolate cake I love fruitcake icing dragée. Cupcake sweet donut ice cream I love wafer gummi bears sweet roll. Sugar plum dragée powder cupcake bonbon tiramisu I love I love biscuit. Cake danish cake macaroon cheesecake I love lemon drops cookie. Pudding soufflé carrot cake ice cream sesame snaps I love. Cookie lollipop cake lemon drops candy oat cake gummies ice cream. Pastry chupa chups toffee cheesecake bear claw.

Element of: Generosity
Likes: Sewing, Fashion, Art, City life
Dislikes: Mud, Bad taste,
Special talent: Finding gems and making art.