Shilo Bathroy is the the son of the queen, making him the prince of all vampires. Due to his status as monarchy, Shilo is a part of the Ventrue clan. Shilo is 18-19 years of age, aging like any human. His bane prevents him from consuming blood directly from a bite, instead requiring to have it served to him. However, he can eat human food without vomiting, which is something other vampires cannot do.
Shilo grew up isolated in his bedroom, within the walls of Umber Castle, in Romania. He was overseen by his mother, the Queen, or her many guards, being given his meals through a hatch in the wall, and only having the entertainment of books, (some of which being human literature, which was snuck to him by his uncle Lazarus). He read a lot of books about animals, and would sketch them from description, gaining a strong affinity for birds, and more specifically pheasants in his teen years.
During his time in LA, he learns far more about the outside world. Meeting his brother, Emizel, a Caitiff Brujah, who could not be more different from Shilo was likely a large catalyst for his changes, discovering he was related to somebody so different. Arthur was also a large proponent of his development, doing his best to teach and protect Shilo from greater vampire society, knowing the horrors that go on inside.
Shilo Bathroy is a young man, standing at 5'7, though he usually wears small heels. His hair is blonde and slicked back, just long enough to reach the middle of his neck. His eyes are red, complimented by subtle red eyeshadow.
Being unable to wear usual clothes, a weakness he has where he always has to dress like an over the top vampire, he wears a fitting green coat, accented with gold trim at the cuffs of the sleeves, decorated with a subtle baroque pattern. Above this, he wears a white jabot aroud his neck.
His black pants are high waisted, and slim, and his slender silohuette complimented by his large cape, which drapes almost to the floor, and with a cone collar.
On his chest, he wears a ventrue symbol, the symbol of his clan and family.
He wears this outfit until the the night out at Elysium.
describe elysium outfit.
Following the events in the midnight circle, Shilo is missing an eye. However, he doesn't cover it up with an eyepatch or anything, and its described to be dripping blood for the events of the next few episodes. Not long after this, though, before the Cullen Games, his appearance is completely altered by Vex to resemble his brother, so that Emizel (looking like Shilo), would have the oppurtunity to get close to Edward, to kill him. With the season ending at this point, he still looks like that presently.
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